Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

healteh benfits of ginger

Although it is less friendly for people who do not like spicy food, ginger herb that has many health benefits, and even serves as an antidote to the disease.

Medical expert Robert Thornton stated, ginger efficacious for treating stomach disturbed. For example, because of morning sickness, pain after surgery, chemotherapy, or drunk.

In addition, ginger is also effective in treating inflammation and reduce pain, headaches, and menstrual cramps due. He also gave a warm effect which helps improving blood circulation. Not only that, when the cold comes, drink a glass of warm ginger to treat it.

From the medical side, ginger is also good to inhibit bacteria like salmonella that causes diarrhea. In the intestine, ginger can also reduce gas consumption. Finally, ginger can prevent heartburn caused by anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

The benefits of ginger. Ginger or Zingiber officinale Latin language is one of the most popular plant rhizome is used as a spice and as well as medicine. Rhizome shaped fingers bulging in the middle sections. The dominant flavor in ginger spicy due to ketones named zingeron.

The benefits of ginger can be used to serve as the body warmers. Especially in cold weather or moderate continuous rain. It is suitable for taking ginger so that the body becomes warmer. Ginger is also often made as wedang that can be used to warm the body. Here are the benefits of ginger.

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